Happy Clients

SammyJo became my coach in the PN coaching and thanks to her caring and optimistic attitude she has helped me in so many ways! It’s thanks to her checking in with me to see how things are going or how I am feeling about certain habits or the program that has not only helped me to stick with the program but to WANT to do it for myself!! SammyJo really cares about her clients and she listens and is there for you!!! Most of all she believes in you and your abilities to succeed I am so happy I joined the program and have her in my life!! Let her help you too!

— S.W.


Sammy Jo has been our trainer for over a year.  When we initially approached her we were somewhat uncertain as we have had less than stellar experiences in the past.

I have a curvature of the spine and three crushed discs, my son is a severe asthmatic with COPD and my husband is a larger man with diabetes.  We are a bit of a challenge!

Sammy Jo has risen to the occasion and assists with not just the physical, but the mental challenges we face.  The confidence she instills in us about our abilities to meet and overcome our challenges has truly been a blessing. 

Our therapists have downgraded our visits from twice weekly to once monthly.  I do not miss them!

Sammy Jo has modified many exercises to meet our needs, yet keeps the purpose of the exercise intact. 

We have found Sammy Jo to be an extraordinary trainer of tremendous versatility, intelligence and discipline -- and she is a lot of fun too. We are in better shape than we have been in many years and I am mobile beyond my wildest expectations.



Before coaching I was at a cross roads; I knew I could be doing better with my career and my home life, I just didn’t know the ‘How’ part. After only a few sessions with Sammy Jo I was able to clearly put together a plan to get me to a place that would allow me to catapult myself to a truer version of me. Upon completion of the program I got a major promotion with work which actually allowed me to have more time with my family, because Sammy Jo was able to teach me how to do all of these things for myself. I couldn’t even imagine the disarray that would be present in my life had I not followed through and reached out to Sammy Jo when I did. 

— P.R. 

My wife and I started training with Sammy Jo 3 months ago. She has been a great motivator; between the 2 of us we have lost over 40lbs and over 38". We couldn't be happier with our results. Sammy Jo is very outgoing, positive and keeps you on track. We can't imagine training with anyone else. 



Does it ever seem you can’t move the dial on your nutrition and healthy living habits?  Well this program definitely helped me to do that.  It had an easy going method to creating habits.  And I look forward to seeing what small steps I can and did make each day to make a more satisfying and healthy lifestyle.



Life coaching with Sammy Jo was an eye opening process. Not only did I learn more about myself, but also how I interact with, and respond to, the world around me. 

It helped me to take ownership of my actions and control of my life. Sammy Jo helped me to discover tools that I can apply on a daily basis that have helped me be more successful in both personal relationships and my business life.  

If you are considering working with SJ as a coach, don't hesitate. I love SJ's honesty and no nonsense approach to guiding me to accomplish my goals. She helped me cut through my excuses and tackle life head on!

I'm so excited about living the life I've chosen for myself. Thank-you SJ!
